So wow it's May! I sure hope it warms up sometime soon so we can enjoy spring weather. Sorry, but I am just tired of being cold and having to wear a jacket wherever I go.... I guess thats better than a coat, right? I know soon I'll be wishing it was cold, cause believe it or not, I like being cold much better than being hot. Being hot is just exhausting.
So I really don't know what to catch you all up on other than I have a job that I enjoy, working for a property managment company. Yay, for working for the accounting department, and starting work for the leasing department today. Now I get to put money in the system, as well as enter things that need to be paid. Yay, I see a flow! :-) And it's job that has tangible work, like I get a stack, and then I make it disappear. So it feels good when all the stacks are off my desk. I figured out something too, I don't like chaos. Everything on my desk has to have a reason for being there, either its waiting on something so I can complete it, or its in a stack to be filed. There are NO useless unknown stacks, I can't function well if there are.
So you may be wondering if I am still working on research, and the shocking answer is yes, but still very slowly. However, I now see progress and light at the end of the tunnel. IRB training is done, I have the most of the limiting ingredient to my project, and now I just have to prepare for a committee meeting. Boo. This is when it would have been nice to not have my computer crash a while ago and lose the powerpoint that I had already done. Now I get to make a new one. New and possibly improved. So that is my next task.
My little herb plants are still very very little, and it looks like parsley is going to be the only one that makes it. Maybe basil, but we will see, I may have luck in killing it yet!
I finished the sewing project for my friend, now I want to get back to working on the quilt that I started.
Time management has got to be the key, if I want to get the work done that I need to, and have time for fun things.
Ok well thats all I can think of for now, as I have got to go get things done. My apartment needs attention as does a powerpoint.
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